Go to ESC and Then? Gothen!
Our initiative roots from our direct participation and experience as a volunteer first and as a supporting organization now, and from the need analysis that we conduct in the three partner’s countries:
- It is important to support the new organizations diving into the information, procedures about the EU solidarity corps activities
- Talking from National Agencies, organizations, youth workers perspective rather than volunteers is probably not fulfilling the volunteer’s needs
- There is a lack of outreach and awareness of the European Solidarity Corps
- Improving the capacity and resources of host organisations to ensure consistently high-quality activities
- Create new and use existing peer-to-peer networks and other structures to raise awareness – for example, the creation of an ESC network.
- Empower & connect young people, youth workers and local communities
- Drive innovation and strengthening volunteering culture
- Improve & Harmonize the ESC program
- Promote ESC program
- Improve the communications skills of the organizations (dissemination & promotion)
- Promote inclusion & diversity
1. Volunteers Talks: video testimonies of volunteers on the Corps and live-streamings on ESC
The volunteers had the opportunity to openly discuss their experience during the ESC programme. They met other volunteers, interacted and discussed different ways of approaching ESC.
Solidarity Hub – Live streaming on the European Solidarity Corps
Volunteer Talks – ESC Testimonies
2. Go Locals! Training design for volunteer coordinators involving local community in ESC projects
Training course for youth workers, aiming to enrich them with competencies on how to deal and reach local communities and get them involved in the ESC projects, as partners, as active beneficiaries or even as future project coordinators. We developed 2 versions: one which can be done offline and thought to be held online.

Project n°: 2021-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000028942
Duration: from 28/02/2022 to
Coordinator: MOH

“Gothen” project is funded by the Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2, Cooperation Partnerships in youth.